Ready for fun, laughs, and learning? Join Rebecca and Kenton for Season Two of their every-other-week podcast! Whether you are new to rewilding or deep into your journey, you’ll find that the podcasts combine tested techniques, science, and spirituality to help you Unleash Your Life!
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Episode 16: Non-toxic Relationships

We’ve all heard the term “toxic people”. But how do we avoid them or deal with them? Well, as usual, the story might not be completely one-sided. Come along to explore how we can unwittingly encourage toxic relationships and how we can transform that toxicity into something positive!
Episode 17: Four Fabulous Wild Foods

Want some delicious, nutritious food that just happens to be totally free? We’ve chosen four easy-to-identify wild edibles that have broad global distribution to encourage you to add some wild greens to your diet!
Episode 18: Life Lessons

For this episode, we try something a little different — a totally off-the-cuff talk about what we’re currently experiencing in life and what we’re learning from those things. It turned into a fun exploration of community, overcoming fears, and imagining a debt-free world. Come along to on this exploration with us!
Episode 19: Finding Security in Uncertain Times

Life can be uncertain. It’s not just things like aliens and covid, but the everyday shifts in our lives that can be unsettling. In this episode, we consider ways that we can transform our relationship with uncertainty, and even embrace it!
Episode 20: Consciously Shaping Your Environment

We all know that our environment has a profound effect upon our beings. But we’re not often intentional about shaping our environments, or not aware of how we are an integral part of other people’s environments. Join us as we discuss how we can be more conscious about the people, colors, sounds, and other experiences that make up each day.
Episode 21: Five (More) Books

Last season we started a tradition of talking about five books from our shelves and how they’ve influenced us. This season, we keep the tradition alive! Come with us for an adventure into nature poetry, magic, science, and a bit of intergalactic fun!
Episode 22: Take a Vacation (Every Day!)

Hi Friends! Need a good vacation? What if we could take a vacation right now? As in, NOW? This moment? Well, we can if we learn to cultivate a “vacation mindset”. You’ve heard us talk about this before in the guise of an “adventurer’s mindset”, but in this episode we give some mindful advice about how to soak into each moment as if you were on the beach.
Episode 23: Change Your Baseline Happiness

We all have a “baseline” of happiness in our lives, and research shows that the ups and downs of life (which we spend so much time trying to acquire and avoid, respectively) don’t really impact that baseline very much. So the secret to happiness isn’t arranging our externals appropriately so much as cultivating an inner joy. But how do we do that? Come along as we explore how to shift that baseline!
Episode 24: The Benefits of a Positive Diet

We all want to eat healthy, don’t we? But what diet is best? Raw vegan? Paleo? Whole 30? Mediterranean? Join us as we leave behind specific diets and instead talk about how loving our food, eating consciously, and losing food fears can transform our health and life enjoyment!
Episode 25: Loving What You Have

In a world built upon consumption, what happens if we question the paradigm and instead cultivate happiness with what we have? This is a big topic that goes WAY beyond “things”, and incorporates our basic state of mind and motivation. Come along as we explore the power of loving what you have!