UYL Season 2, Episode 16, Non-toxic Relationships

We've all heard the term "toxic people". But how do we avoid them or deal with them? Well, as usual, the story might not be completely one-sided. Come along to explore how we can unwittingly encourage toxic relationships and how we can transform that toxicity into something positive!

This episodes’ Action Points:

Cultivate Gratitude– You can overdose on almost anything, but probably not on gratitude. Cultivating gratitude transforms the world we experience.

Find One Support Person (or More)– Community rocks! In fact, having someone you can connect with positively is one of the biggest things you can do to create positivity in your life. Find a person, or find a group, and see what a difference it makes!

Practice Listening– Listening is a powerful and mostly-forgotten practice. If we train ourselves to listen, we open pathways into deeper understanding and compassion with the people around us.

Make a Person a “Project”– Not for the faint of heart! In this practice, we actively try to change someone’s positivity level. But here’s the key — if our goal is to change another person, we’re doomed to failure. Instead, we have to hold this as a “light” goal, with the real goal being to change our own attitudes and compassion level.

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