UYL Season 2, Episode 22, Take a Vacation (Every Day!)

Hi Friends! Need a good vacation? What if we could take a vacation right now? As in, NOW? This moment? Well, we can if we learn to cultivate a "vacation mindset". You've heard us talk about this before in the guise of an "adventurer's mindset", but in this episode we give some mindful advice about how to soak into each moment as if you were on the beach.

Here are this episodes’ Action Points:

Explore!– We often walk the same paths in life, literally and figuratively. What happens if we veer a little off that path? Often, adventure is waiting for us down the “road less travelled”.

Try the “Artist’s Eye” Exercise– Artists often see the world in colors, textures, shapes, and shades of light. What happens if we harness that eye? We start to appreciate the world around us more and see its true beauty.

Talk With Strangers– It can be intimidating, but every human being is a treasure-trove of experiences, ideas, and perspectives. When we start to strike up conversations, we can learn a lot.

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