Ready for fun, laughs, and learning? Join Rebecca and Kenton for Season Two of their every-other-week podcast! Whether you are new to rewilding or deep into your journey, you’ll find that the podcasts combine tested techniques, science, and spirituality to help you Unleash Your Life!
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Episode 1: True Love

Rebecca and I focused on love as the centerpiece of our life. It may not be for everyone, but here is how we did it and the gifts it has brought into our life.
Episode 2: Choose Your Media Wisely

Media is ubiquitous in our lives. How do we know what to intake? Today we share some thoughts about how to choose nurturing media over “junk food” media.
Episode 3: Self-Nurturing

We can feel guilty for spending time on self-development, but in reality, this is perhaps the most generous act we can perform. Because as we further our own compassion, awareness, and clarity of mind, we are more able to give to others on all levels.
Episode 4: Perception Equals Reality

We imagine that what we see is “real”, yet science tells us that what comes into our eyes is very different from what our brain perceives (did you know that images actually hit your retina upside-down, and your brain turns them right-side-up?). What happens when we realize that our perceptions might not always be “correct”?
Episode 5: He-man

What does it mean to be a modern man? Using a very weird childhood cartoon as a launch-point, we explore the idea of personal power.
Episode 6: The Myth of Separation

Most of us have absorbed the dominant cultural idea that the world is made of lots of little pieces (like you, me, and chocolate chip muffins) that all fit together. But what if instead of a story of separation, we told a story of unity and connectedness? Could it change our world?
Episode 7: Amish Aloha

In this episode, we wonder why the Amish never seem to fail to wave to us as we drive by, and if it might serve as an inspiration to respect each other as fellow humans, regardless of our differences.
Episode 8: The Essence of Wisdom

What is wisdom? It’s not something a lot of modern people have successfully answered. In this episode, we make an attempt, and consider how embracing this idea of wisdom can lead us toward more compassion, love, and caring.
Episode 9: Gone in 90 Seconds

The research of neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor has revealed many interesting things — one of which is that stressors aren’t as long-lived as we might expect, at least in our heads =) In this episode we discuss how knowledge of Taylor’s “90 Second Rule” can change the way we experience everyday life.
Episode 10: Turn Off This Podcast!

What? Turn this off? Well, almost =) In this episode we talk about getting into nature — how important it is, all the benefits, and how we can “unplug” a little more. We hope that this episode inspires you to turn off your device for a while!
Episode 11: On Patience

Patience is a virtue, right? But what if it’s deeper than that? In this episode, we dissect patience and wonder if patience is less of a virtue than a pointer toward mindful presence.
Episode 12: Chasing Dreams (and Turkeys)

Rebecca and I have always dreamed of being writers. For thirty years, we’ve seen that dream squashed again and again. Then, we decided to take things into our own hands. This is the story of our quest to see a book of ours in print, and we hope it might inspire you to chase your own dreams.
Episode 13: What is Rewilding?

Originally, Rebecca and I thought that we had invented the concept of human rewilding. How wrong we were! Yet over the years, we’ve sought to define it a bit differently than some other voices in the rewilding community. In this episode we share what we think rewilding is all about, and how to bring its benefits into your own life.
Episode 14: Off the Beaten Path

What adventures are waiting right off our usual routes? Numerous and awesome ones! And our “usual routes” aren’t just paths through the woods, but the grooves of life that we move in — the same small talk, the same routines . . . what happens if we venture off those paths a little bit? Join us as we explore some ways to discover the hidden world just beyond our usual perceptions!
Episode 15: Live Like a Forest Monk

After running the Forest Monk program (and its predecessor, the 11-month Metamorphosis program) for over 12 years, we’ve come to greatly respect those who ventured out into the woods under our tutelage. And we’ve learned A LOT from them! Here are the top ten takeaways for us.