UYL Season 2, Episode 6, The Myth of Separation

Most of us have absorbed the dominant cultural idea that the world is made of lots of little pieces (like you, me, and chocolate chip muffins) that all fit together. But what if instead of a story of separation, we told a story of unity and connectedness? Could it change our world?

This episodes’ Action Points:

“A Car Called Rocket” Game– You can perform this mind experiment by imagining anything in your life, and slowly “replace” it part by part. At what point does it cease to be itself? By performing this, we learn more about our personal definitions of “individuality”.

Origins Exercise– A fun game for kids or adults, take any object and start to trace its origin. Where do the materials it is made from come from, and what machinery, etc. is necessary to get those raw materials? Did someone design it? What aspects of human history are wrapped up in the origin of this thing? Keep following. It is said that any one thing can lead us to the Ultimate if pursued far enough.

Unity Meditation– For this meditation, sit or lie down somewhere, preferably in nature. Feel your body dissolve into the ground, and feel yourself becoming soil, roots, insects, stones. Expand outward, becoming trees, streams, pathways, roads, towns . . . keep expanding as far as you want, even into the rest of the universe if you like. FEEL your unity with all, and soak into the meditation as deeply as you like.

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