Ready for fun, laughs, and learning? Join Rebecca and Kenton for their every-other-week podcast! Whether you are new to rewilding or deep into your journey, you’ll find that the podcasts combine tested techniques, science, and spirituality to help you Unleash Your Life!
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Episode 16: The 100% Project

Is shopping at the grocery store inevitable in today’s world, or is there another way? In November, two families with kids will embark on a year-long adventure to source all of their food from foraging, growing, fishing, hunting, or buying locally (within 50 miles of source). Come along with us as we go to 100%!
Episode 17: Spirit of Adventure

Our habitual way of encountering life can feel monotonous, leading us to boredom and sometimes, apathy. Yet infusing our lives with a spirit of adventure is close at hand — it’s just a matter of retraining our brains.
Episode 18: Movement for Every Body

We love to divide things. One of the divisions that can cause us trouble is “exercise”. When we extract that out of our lives, we tend to spend most of our time sedentary and try to balance that with an hour at the gym. But when we reframe things and think of “movement”, we literally move through our lives in a new way!
Episode 19: Rest and Digest

You eat a wholesome diet, you take the time to cook your food in healthy and delicious ways, but you still aren’t getting adequate nutrition? Not surprising. In today’s stress-filled world, our bodies are shutting down digestion because of over-active sympathetic nervous system activity. Let’s change things so we can get the most out of every bite!
Episode 20: Foraging 101

Who wouldn’t want nutritious, delicious food . . . for free? Foraging is available to people living anywhere from the forest to the country to the city. Come with us as we explore how to get started, hone your skills, and make foraging a life-long adventure!
Episode 21: Building Your Foundation

We know that foundations are important for buildings, but did you know they are equally important for our minds? In this episode Kenton and Rebecca explore how to build your emotional foundation strong!
Episode 22: Shinrin Yoku

More than a walk in the woods, Shinrin Yoku is a moving meditation with a laundry list of benefits — and hard science to back it up. Here’s how to harness the benefits of this health-giving practice.
Episode 23: Fall In Love With the World

Our high-stimulation screen life conditions our mind to only like one “flavor” of excitement. If we’re not conscious about our mind-diet, we’ll soon find life “boring” unless we’re on a screen. Here’s how to rediscover the wonder and fall in love with the world again!
Episode 24: Free Range Kids (and Adults!)

In a world overtaken by fear, it can seem crazy to let kids roam free. But it’s essential to their well-being. Learn more about letting your kids go free range, and going free range yourself!
Episode 25: Eight Years in the Wild with Miriam Lancewood

Miriam Lancewood and her partner Peter lived for eight years in the wilds of New Zealand. Now they’ve returned to tell their tale. Join us for a sparkling interview with a true woman of the wild!
Episode 26: Addicted to Time

Addicted to time? That might sound strange, but most of us unknowningly are. And it’s an addiction that has surprisingly powerful repercussions in our lives. Here is how to break the addiction!
Episode 27: Do Service Like a Jedi

We’ve been told that the key to happiness is amassing tons of things for ourselves, yet science shows just the opposite — that joy comes from being in service to others. Here’s how to add more joy to your life by doing good!
Episode 28: Storytelling

For many of us, negative storytelling is our dominant mental activity. And it can literally rule our lives, driving us into anxiety, worry, and stress. Come along as we explore what storytelling is, how to decrease its negative impact, and even how to make it work for you in positive ways!
Episode 29: Living on Lava

As you probably know, we’re about to move to Hawaii for our 100% Project, where we will be literally living on lava. Wait. Living on LAVA? Isn’t that, well . . . stupid? Come along as we explore the ideas of risk, security, and adventure!
Episode 30: End of Season One!

In this special end-of-season episode, we share our adventures in Hawaii for the 100% Project, and also what we’ve learned during the last 30 episodes of Unleash Your Life!! We love you, our Ohana!
Would you like to sponsor an upcoming podcast? We feature any business that is doing good for the world. Sponsorships begin at $125 per episode for a 60 second (usually a bit longer) spot. Contact Kenton to learn more!