
Unleash Your Life Episode 22, Shinrin Yoku

More than a walk in the woods, Shinrin Yoku is a moving meditation with a laundry list of benefits -- and hard science to back it up. Here's how to harness the benefits of this health-giving practice.

This Episode’s Action Point:

Just one Action Point this time around. Try out a Shinrin Yoku walk! It can take less than ten minutes. Go for it, and let us know how it feels!

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2 thoughts on “Unleash Your Life Episode 22, Shinrin Yoku

  1. Ahhh! No wonder I feel so much better in spring and summer! I get rid of shoes as much as possible, probably sooner than is wise sometimes. (Last spring there was even a day I checked the maple trees for sap production barefoot then posted a picture of those deep spreading very muddy tracks on FB to see what reaction I would get when we had a couple days in the 60’s way early in the season!) I dig in the garden or walk in the woods and feel the softness of the moss and so many other textures on my feet and the sun on my back and the temperature difference from open areas to dense woods. And I move slowly pulling weeds and harvesting whatever is in season frequently sitting on my behind or crawling along. I forget the time and sometimes my worries and nibble more and more of those delicious wild super foods as I’m learning that more of the things that were to be pulled out and gotten rid of are sometimes better than the crops I’m trying to grow. Maybe I can get rid of prescription antidepressants soon that don’t do as much for me in my opinion as pretty leaves and beautiful sunsets.
    These podcasts are the best!

    1. Wow, awesome! GO BAREFOOT!! Your words just made our day, Maude — we so appreciate your presence in our lives!!!

      =) Kenton

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