Unleash Your Life Episode 21, Building Your Foundation

We know that foundations are important for buildings, but did you know they are equally important for our minds? In this episode Kenton and Rebecca explore how to build your emotional foundation strong!

Here are this episode’s Action Points:

Meditation Toolbox — The more meditation styles you have in your toolbox, the more you can adapt your practice to your environment (think anything from a quiet woodland to rush-hour traffic) and your current state of mind. Here are links to two meditations that you can try out!

One Breath Meditation

Dancing Monkey Meditation

Foundation Reset Button — When you’re in a “good” place emotionally, make a practice of placing your hand on your heart (or other spot on your body) and as you do, consciously noticing how you feel calm and poised. Do this enough, and it starts to create a “button” that you can push when you are feeling unbalanced. Angry with someone? Place your hand on your heart and “reset” your mindset so you can think more clearly.

Solutions-Based Thinking — Begin today to train yourself into thinking in solutions. When life gives you a challenge, take a few breaths and see if you can reroute your mind away from dwelling on endless “what ifs” and instead apply it toward actionable solutions. Do this enough, and it becomes your new default way of interacting with life!

We spoke about the emWave2 in this episode. You can see it here!

Apps — Here are a few apps that can help you track your HRV.

And just in case you are curious about the cat collar we discuss in this episode, here is the Birdsbesafe cat “collar”.

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4 thoughts on “Unleash Your Life Episode 21, Building Your Foundation

  1. I like the idea of the one breath meditation. I’ve tried many times to start a meditation practice, but keeping it going is not easy. One problem that I have with longer meditation is that most times I drift off to sleep.

    1. Me too! That’s why I’ve gravitated to these shorter ones that sometimes “trick” me into longer ones =)

  2. A strong foundation is so important! And getting back to it easily is sure helpful. In the construction I’ve been involved with I find that concrete is far more stable than a string! That string can get bumped and blown every which way as you’re trying to get the stakes in place to build the forms to place that concrete! One step at a time and checking your work frequently as you get that foundation established can make a whole project go so much better!
    This morning (for 2 more minutes) I could say I have heartburn from hell going on and too much to do and life is terrible. Or I can take a breath and realize I’ve had some time to study and I’ve gotten some of the laundry in the washer. My jelly bag is hanging. I can take several breaths as the spruce tip infusion slowly drains and listen to a calming podcast and notice that the sun is peaking thru the clouds before the storm that is being predicted for this afternoon and know that life is good. I’m making progress on the things that need done and as I calm down for a few minutes even the heartburn is reduced. Life is good!
    Not sure how much that last bit of rambling has to do with foundation! Not going to think too hard about relationships right now. Time to get busy again and hopefully remember to stay focused and not start rushing! “Never rush that which must be done quickly” ’cause it always takes twice as long when you start rushing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That is it! I think that has much to do with foundation, because you made conscious choices to build your mind toward mindfulness, calm, and gratitude rather than letting it run amok. Well done my friend!! =)

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