UYL Season 2, Episode 2, Choose Your Media Wisely

Media is ubiquitous in our lives. How do we know what to intake? Today we share some thoughts about how to choose nurturing media over "junk food" media.

Action Points for this episode:

Consume Consciously — As we choose what media to intake, we’ll usually end up partaking in media that ranges from extremely nurturing to also bringing in some “junk food” once in a while. The beginning step in transforming media in our lives is not so much what we choose, but that we make our choices consciously.

Choose Challenging Media — Challenging media can be, well, challenging. But it’s also enriching, and the more we intake it, the more we’ll come to appreciate its complexity, its ability to help us examine our paradigms, and the mental/emotional “nutrition” it can provide.

Try a Media Fast — There is nothing like a fast to really understand the part that media plays in our lives. Try at least three days without media (more if you are up to the challenge) and let us know what you experience!

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